Succession Planning

If you’ve built your business from the ground up, or even if you took over and have been running it for a number of years, handing over the reins is difficult. Those challenges can be amplified if you have a family business.

Succession Planning

How do I treat the business kids and the non business kids fairly?

How do I know when the next generation is responsible enough and ready to take over?

How do we reduce or eliminate the potential future disputes?

How do we protect the business and other family assets from potential marital breakdowns?

Unfortunately, a lot of money spent on planning can go to waste if the beneficiaries still decide they want to fight.

Our process is designed to identify all of the interested family members and involve them at the right time and in the right way so that there is a foundation for family harmony.

We engage other advisors and oversee the work to ensure that the tax, legal and financial plans work together in support of your vision for your family.

The Benefits of Succession Planning


Understanding your family values and objectives


To make the right family wealth decisions


Implementing the right strategies


Measured in terms of your objectives

Our Process

1. Discovery

Interviews with you and your family to gain clarity on family, business and community objectives and your current position.


2. Plan Development

Analysis on strategies and scenarios to accomplish objectives determined in Discovery.


3. Implementation

Taking action on the right strategies. Interfacing with other advisors to ensure the tax, legal and financial plans work together towards your objectives.

If you’re looking for comprehensive financial estate and succession planning services, look no further.

Book a complimentary consultation to see how Experience Financial can help you with your Succession or Estate Planning Needs.

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fea certified financial advisor
experienced fee only financial advisor

Experience Financial
Coaching and Consulting Inc.


(403) 803-7780

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