Estate Planning

Estate Planning is taking the steps to ensure that your dependents are taken care of and that your assets are distributed to your family, a charitable cause, or other beneficiaries in the right way at the right time.

Once a family determines that there is enough to look after mom and dad financially, you will start to consider where the remainder of your wealth will go.

Proper planning ensures that the tax, legal and financial strategies work together to support your estate planning objectives.


Do I have the right trust or other legal structures in place to ensure my beneficiaries are protected and supported in the right way?

Do I have the right corporate structure in place save on any undue tax?

Are there financial tools that can be used to simplify my planning or reduce tax?

Do I have the right balance of complexity and financial efficiency in the strategies I am employing?

Often tax, legal and financial strategies seem like great ideas because they are presented by very skillful (and very persistent) professional sales people. Unfortunately, the strategy may not be a fit for your family and for your objectives.

By having a family wealth philosophy and by having worked through a comprehensive process, you will have a lens through which to assess strategies based on their fit for your family. You save time and money by being able to make better decisions going forward, without having to entertain every idea that is pursuing you.

The benefits of having worked through the process will reveal itself over your lifetime in decisions you and your family make within your business and with your wealth.

The Benefits of Succession Planning


Understanding your family values and objectives


To make the right family wealth decisions


Implementing the right strategies


Measured in terms of your objectives

Our Process

1. Discovery

Interviews with you and your family to gain clarity on family, business and community objectives and your current position.


2. Plan Development

Analysis on strategies and scenarios to accomplish objectives determined in Discovery.


3. Implementation

Taking action on the right strategies. Interfacing with other advisors to ensure the tax, legal and financial plans work together towards your objectives.

If you’re looking for comprehensive financial, estate and succession planning services, let’s talk.

Book a complimentary consultation to see how Experience Financial can help you with your Succession or Estate Planning Needs.

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Experience Financial
Coaching and Consulting Inc.


(403) 803-7780

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